San Francisco's Salesforce Park lit up at night.

The Guide to
San Francisco's Salesforce Park


总有理由去贝博体彩app看看,还有 Salesforce Transit Center proved it when it opened its rooftop Salesforce Park. 这个城市公园已成为市中心的一个受欢迎的支柱. Stretching over nearly 4 blocks, this 5.4英亩的屋顶公园拥有600棵树的美丽景观, 16,000 plants, and a linear fountain.

About Salesforce Park

Main Plaza

Salesforce Park的主广场以一个被竹林包围的oculus为特色. 这个开放空间是人们来玩耍的理想场所. 还有一个可行走的玻璃地板,这是美国同类地板中最大的.S. 太阳落山后,主广场还会举办特别活动, such as a music series and immersive fairytales. During the day, there is storytelling with literary artists, fitness classes, and children's activities.


这个圆形剧场位于公园的西端,在它的草坪上可以容纳1000人. It's also a great place for a variety of activities, including free yoga classes, concerts and movie nights under the stars.

Bus Fountain

公园的一个有趣的特点是这个互动的永久性公共艺术装置, 这是一个特别设计的喷泉,与下面终点站内来来往往的公共汽车相呼应. Built with more than 1,200 feet of white and gray granite, 这个当代设计是世界上最长的水上艺术品之一.

Children’s Play Area

位于中央草坪和主广场之间的是一个儿童游乐区, 在海绵状保护地板上设有攀爬绳架. After romping and frolicking in the play structure, 孩子们可以在儿童阅览室免费借阅一本书,以便即兴讲故事, or grab a board game from the game cart.

Walking Trail

公园的四周是一条半英里长的步道. 沿着小径有13个小型植物园,里面有代表世界不同地区的动植物.

The Gondola

这可能不是你去屋顶公园的正常交通方式, 但它确实比普通的电梯或自动扶梯提供了更多的风景. 这种从地面到公园的单程缆车每天运行8小时.m.–8 p.m. (May 1–Oct. 31) and 8 a.m.–7 p.m. (Nov. 1–Apr. 30), and is free of charge.

Park Hours

Summer Hours (May 1–Oct. 31): 6 a.m.–9 p.m.

Winter Hours (Nov. 1–Apr. 30): 6 a.m.–8 p.m.

Seasonal Events at Salesforce Park

这个高架城市公园为每个人提供了一些东西, including HIIT and zumba fitness classes, bird walks and garden tours, music and dance, family fun for children and toddlers, or even play a game of foosball. Check the Salesforce Park events page for a full list of activities.

Children and Family

Visit the Recess Cart on Tuesdays-Sundays (10 a.m. - 4 p.m.) for books, games, and art-making.

Special Events

享受当地海湾地区的音乐天赋,或者从事你一直梦想的爱好. 周日上午11点在中央草坪上学习吉他和尤克里里琴.m.-12 p.m.).

活动可能会根据可用性和/或天气而变化,因此请务必查看 Salesforce Park Calendar 获取即将举行的活动的最新信息. 请注意,虽然你的四条腿的同伴当然是可爱的, dogs are not allowed at Salesforce Park.

How to Get to Salesforce Park

因为它位于Salesforce运输中心的顶部,交通便利, Salesforce Park is easy to get to, especially if you're taking public transportation to and around the city. While parking garages and street parking 如果有的话,我们强烈建议使用公共交通工具.


If you're taking BART 进入市区,你可以在Embarcadero站或Montgomery街下车. 都在公园北边一个街区的地方.


Various Muni 公交线路也会在Salesforce运输中心内停靠. These include: 5 Fulton, 5R Fulton Rapid, 7 Haight/Noriega, 10 Townsend, 12 Folsom/Pacific, 14 Mission, 14R Mission Rapid, 14X Mission Express, 25 Treasure Island, 38 Geary, and 38R Geary Rapid.

You can also take all Muni light rail lines (J, K, L, M, N, or T) to the Embarcadero or Montgomery St. 车站,就在公园北边一个街区的地方.

Carol High
Carol High

Carol是一名数字营销人员,为全球观众创造了丰富的旅游内容, San Francisco and the Bay Area, food & 喝酒,户外体验,讲跨文化故事. 她的作品发表于《贝博体彩》和《贝博体彩app》(天际线学院). Before travel writing, 她的专业背景包括在国际商业领域工作, nonprofits, and government. 她和家人住在贝博体彩app,经常去她所在城市的公园游玩, especially untamed McLaren Park.

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